hasmadi-ibrahim sebagai the organizer/executor and abdul-manaf-jusoh sebagai bendahari tentulah lebih arif tentang siapa dan berapa yang akhirnya dapat muncul malam itu, petang esoknya disekolah dan juga dimalam BBQ @hasmadi's house.. but regardless of the final number, it was very encouraging to see 22 'new-faces' among us reunion-regulars..
and to be able to touch-base again in perlis, with our orang-orang-kuat-perlis after a lapse of 7-8 years was definitely another milestone and a big achievement.. hoping now that this loosely-formed alumni-group will grow stronger in years to come as we ourselves grow older, wiser and grey-er, ooppss... ;)
ahh yes.. and they sang for us too!! but with the endless jokes, teases and banters going around for 2 consecutive nights led by our very own hero-tua, eh leading-actor zulkhairi-ibrahim @hairi-kanta in blue-shirt.. i'm very sure that they themselves were entertained and had some jolly wonderful times too..!!
credits must also go to mantalib, pakman, komeng and those not mentioned and highlighted here in my blog-postings..
well done, my fellow organizers..!!!